Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Letter to my Children

To our Firstborn:

   We've always loved you best because you were our first miracle. You were the beginning of a marriage and the gratification of young love. You slipped into this world, and into my arms, placed there by heaven. An indescribable gift. Our minds are full of thoughts of our hope and dreams for you, of who you might be, and how you might touch the world. You sustained us through the early years of our marriage, the first room, our first mode of transportation (1969 Volkswagen Beetle), and the 14 inch TV that was a gift from one of our wedding sponsors. You were new, had very caring grandparents, and enough clothes. You were the original model for a mom and dad who were trying to work the flaws out. You got the open safety pins, the three hour naps. You are the beginning.

To our Baby:

     We've always loved you best because while finales are commonly sad, you are such a great happiness.  Just feeling the love and sweetness you bring, it seems the stress and weight of the world are lifted from us. You taught us how to play again, to slow down and see the world again.You readily accepted the milk-stained bibs, the hand me downs, the baby book that had nothing written in it. You cried less, had more patience. You are the one we held on to so tightly. You are the link with our past, a reason for tomorrow. You will always be our baby.

"Every child born into the world is a new thought of God, an ever fresh and radiant possibility"

Kate Douglas Wiggin

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